Expanding the station from a voltage of (22/220) to become (22/500) and it is targeted to reach a production capacity of 2000 megawatts, so that the station will operate at a voltage of 22/220/500 kilovolts and a capacity of 4 x 500 + 4 x 175 megavolts..
Raising the station’s efficiency and adding 500 megawatts without using additional fuel. The project provides job opportunities for young people, as the number of workers who implemented it reached 2,300 (engineers - administrators - supervisors - technicians), and the total cost of the project amounted to 441.8 million US dollars..
Establishing the Kima 2 plant to produce ammonia and urea using natural gas instead of electrolysis of water to rationalize energy consumption, use the latest technology in the urea and ammonia industry worldwide, and improve the quality of products with the addition of new products..
Establishing the Nag Hammadi Control Center (Upper Egypt Electricity Region), which controls the operation of 111 transformer stations at different voltages, to serve the governorates of "Sohag - Qena - Luxor - Aswan" at a cost of 628 million pounds.
Establishing a control center in Samalut (Central Egypt Electricity Region), which controls the operation of 91 transformer stations at different voltages, to serve the governorates of "Fayoum - Beni Suef - Minya - Assiut - New Valley" at a cost of 684 million pounds.
Construction of a modern refining complex in Mostorod at a total cost of $4.336 billion. Foreign financing is estimated at about 87% of the total project cost..
Establishing a silo complex with a capacity of 90,000 tons in New Borg El Arab City in Alexandria Governorate at a cost of 120 million pounds and 7 million dollars, on a total area of 22,800 m².
Establishing 6 tanks (diesel/butane) with a total capacity of 250,000 m3 to increase the storage capacity of strategic petroleum products, in addition to establishing two lines to transport butane and diesel. The first 3 diesel warehouses have been operating since September 2019 until now, and work is underway to operate the remaining warehouses successively. The total cost of the project is $450 million..
Establishing four silos (Hehia - Abu Hammad - Burj Al Arab - Qassasin East - San Al Hajar) in Sharqia Governorate, with a capacity of 270 thousand tons, with the aim of preserving the strategic stock of wheat, at a cost of 428.3 million pounds + 21.3 million dollars.
Developing the field to produce about 365 million cubic feet of gas per day, with an investment cost of about $775 million, by drilling 8 production wells at production rates of 290 million cubic feet of gas per day and 9.3 thousand barrels of condensates per day..
Raising the efficiency of the oil-water separation unit to reach a liquid processing capacity of about 30,000/day, and accommodating the increase in production rates to reach 12,000 barrels of oil per day through the first phase: Installing a new 9-well collection unit in the Al-Qadr area. Establishing 6 storage warehouses with a total storage capacity of 33.5 thousand barrels.
Establishing two silos in Arab Al-Aliqat and Banha in Qalyubia Governorate with a capacity of 150,000 tons, with the aim of preserving the strategic stock of wheat at a cost of 217.6 million pounds + 12 million dollars.
An electrical transformer station was established to serve the factories of Abu Zaabal Specialized Industries Company, operating at a voltage of 200/500 MVA, at a cost of 41.61 million pounds + 3.65 million dollars..
Establishing a pipeline to transport gas produced from Idku fields to support the national gas network, with a length of 30 km and a diameter of 42 inches, at a cost of 733 million pounds..
The station operates at a voltage of 66/22 kV with a capacity of (2 x 25) MVA and supplies the Quseir area and the surrounding tourist areas with electricity instead of diesel units. At a cost of 39.2 million pounds + 6.7 million dollars.
Raising the efficiency of the field to accommodate the expected increase in crude oil, estimated at 3.8 thousand barrels/day, by establishing an offshore platform, installing two lines with a diameter of 5 inches, with a length of 22 km for each line, completing two wells and drilling the third well, at a cost of 37 million dollars..
Establishing a 66 kV transformer station in Mashtoul Al-Souq to supply residential expansions and industrial projects in the area located in Sharqia Governorate with a voltage of 66/11 kV, with a capacity of(2x40) m.f.a, at a cost of 53.6 million pounds.
Establishing Qantara Sharq and Abu Suweir silos in Ismailia Governorate with a capacity of 90,000 tons, with the aim of preserving the strategic stock of wheat at a cost of 174.6 million pounds + 7.8 million dollars.
Rehabilitation and development of two gas turbines at the station, which contributes to raising the efficiency of the units and supporting the energy produced by them, in addition to reducing fuel consumption and maintenance costs. The project aims to raise the efficiency and availability of the first module and extend the life of the combustion chambers from 8,000 hours to 12,000 hours, at a cost of 294 million pounds.
Establishing two silos in East El-Oweinat and El-Kharga in New Valley Governorate with a capacity of 105,000 tons, with the aim of preserving the strategic stock of wheat at a cost of 145 million pounds + 8.5 million dollars.
Developing the station to operate on a combined cycle system by adding a 250 megawatt steam unit to generate energy without using fuel to increase the station’s production capacity, so that the current station capacity becomes 750 megawatts instead of 500 megawatts, at a cost of $233.4 million..
Damietta Furniture City Transformer Station was established with the aim of supplying the city and Shata area with electrical power, with a capacity of 2 x 75 mega volt amperes.
Increasing production efficiency by 45 million cubic feet of gas/day and 400 barrels of condensates/day by drilling and connecting 4 wells through an early production unit with a capacity of 60 million cubic feet/day, where the processing facilities are connected to the national grid via a 12-inch line with a length of 10 km, at a cost of 49.3 million dollars..
Establishing the Hamam Silo in Matrouh Governorate with a capacity of 45 thousand tons, with the aim of preserving the strategic stock of wheat, at a cost of 101.6 million pounds + 4.2 million dollars.
Establishing a pipeline to transport quantities of oil produced from the fields southwest of Maliha to the oil processing plant in the Maliha area, estimated at about 7,000 barrels/day, at a cost of $31 million..
Establishing Barqash and Beni Salama silos in Giza Governorate with a capacity of 120,000 tons, with the aim of preserving the strategic stock of wheat at a cost of 141.8 million pounds + 9.7 million dollars.
Establishing new transformer stations and expansions of existing stations to accommodate the added capacities of the new power generation stations, reduce the percentage of loss in the network, and support all regions of the Republic, especially in Upper Egypt. The station operates at a voltage of 11/66/220 kV, with a capacity of 40 MVA, at a cost of 5 million pounds + 3 million dollars..
Supporting and developing the unified electrical grid by connecting the Narcissus transformer station to the Sakakeen Al-Karimat station on the 220 kV national electricity grid, at a cost of 223 million pounds..
Implementing projects to support the national grid to accommodate the added capacities of new power generation stations, reduce the percentage of loss in the grid, and support all regions of the Republic, especially in Upper Egypt. At a cost of 44.75 million pounds..
Establishing 4 tanks (3 diesel, 1 gasoline) with a total capacity of 45 thousand m3, at the Suez Petroleum Manufacturing Company in Suez Governorate, to increase the storage capacity of petroleum products and ensure their arrival to distribution departments, at a cost of 70 million pounds..
Supporting the national gas network, in addition to contributing to feeding the New Administrative Capital power station with natural gas and supporting the areas of southern Cairo and Upper Egypt consumers, the line is 42 inches and has a total length of 165 km in Cairo, Ismailia, and Port Said governorates, at a cost of 3 billion and 335 million pounds..
Updating and developing the electrical grid, providing energy for industrial projects and serving their purposes. The station operates at a voltage of 11/66 kV, with a capacity of (2 x 40) MVA, of the gas-insulated type, at a cost of 24.5 million pounds + 1.97 million dollars + 0.12 million euros..
Establishing 3 transformers, each with a capacity of 750 mega volt amperes, to support the 500 kV network and supply the new industrial zone and major projects in Beni Suef Governorate..
Sanitation projects were implemented in Cairo Governorate with a total capacity of 760 thousand m3/day at a cost of 3103 million pounds, with the aim of improving sanitation services at the governorate level.
The station was established to operate at a voltage of 22/220/500 kV and a capacity of(3x500) MV. It was connected to the 500 kV Administrative Capital transformer station and is being implemented to discharge energy to the National, Katameya, Karimat, Basateen, South Maadi and Ain El Sira transformer stations. At a cost of 157.82 million pounds + 13.85 million euros.
Establishing transformer stations covering the areas of Ebny Beitak 6, social housing in the 800-acre area, the Sakan Misr project (191 buildings), the 200-building social housing project in the Ebny Beitak 6 area, the 645-building social housing project in the East Ebny Beitak 6 area, and the National Youth Housing Project in Plot No. 1 (Degla Palms), at a cost of 74 million pounds..
The project aims to develop the discovered deep-water natural gas reserves, with a total of 8 wells with initial production rates of 400 million cubic feet per day, reaching about 700 million cubic feet/day and 700 barrels of condensates/day, at a cost of $1.8 billion..
With a storage capacity of 1,000 m3 each, in addition to a loading platform. With the aim of providing the needs of citizens in Assiut Governorate and achieving stability in the petroleum products market, at a cost of 70 million pounds.
Establishing the Menouf Silo in Menoufia Governorate with a capacity of 60,000 tons, with the aim of preserving the strategic stock of wheat, at a cost of 60.4 million pounds + 4.7 million dollars..
Establishing three silos (Sheikh Fadl - Beni Mazar - Al-Bahnasa) in Minya Governorate with a capacity of 180,000 tons, with the aim of preserving the strategic stock of wheat, at a cost of 197.9 million pounds + 14 million dollars.
Converting gas-fired power plants to operate on a combined cycle system to increase the total production capacity of the 6th of October Power Plant to operate at a capacity of 940 MW without consuming additional fuel..
Establishing a gas field to produce 50 million cubic feet per day of natural gas by drilling 4 wells and manufacturing and installing an offshore platform, with the aim of maximizing the benefit from the petroleum wealth, increasing the domestic product, and providing the country's needs for natural gas, at a cost of 84.5 million dollars..
The project aims to increase the capacity of the electricity transmission network at the state level to build an efficient and reliable system capable of keeping pace with the significant increase in the state’s capacity to produce electricity and connect the electricity generated from Burullus to the national electricity grid..
Establishing the unit to produce 700,000 tons/year of high-octane gasoline, and 10,000 tons/year of butane, to meet part of the local market’s needs, at a cost of $219 million..
Raising the efficiency of the Kalabsha Central Station to accommodate an estimated quantity of 120 thousand barrels of water/day and increasing the extraction capacity from 40 thousand barrels of crude oil/day to reach 60 thousand barrels of oil/day, and from 3 million cubic feet of gas/day to reach 30 million cubic feet/day of associated gas, at a cost of $12 million.
The establishment of solar-powered wells, remote automatic control and monitoring system for 25 wells with a depth of about 45 meters serves as an ideal model for rationalizing energy use within the state’s strategic plan..
Raising the efficiency of the Nooros gas field to produce natural gas estimated at about 1.1 billion cubic feet of gas per day, in addition to 8,600 barrels/day through drilling and constructing 15 wells, at a cost of $290 million.
The West Maghagha transformer station was built on an area of 50 thousand square meters in the Al-Adwa Center district, north of Minya Governorate, at a cost of 28.7 million euros + 0.16 million dollars + 95.15 million pounds..
The total capacity of the station is 580 megawatts, and the station includes 580 projects, the first of which includes 120 turbines, with a capacity of 240 megawatts, 100 of which have been connected to the national electricity grid. The second project includes 110 turbines with a capacity of 220 megawatts, and 75 turbines have been connected to the grid with a capacity of 150 megawatts. The third project includes 60 turbines with a capacity of 120 megawatts..
The largest solar power plant will be established on the land of Benban village in Aswan Governorate. It is considered the largest station in the world, as it will generate the equivalent of 90% of the energy produced by the High Dam. It aims for 20% of Egypt’s electricity production to be from clean energy by 2022, at a cost of about $2 billion..
The station's production capacity was increased using the latest technology for producing clean and environmentally friendly electrical energy, while taking advantage of the exhaust produced by the gas unit using steam and recovering energy from the steam by converting it into a combined cycle station and adding 500 megawatts of electrical energy to the station, at a cost of 1.158 billion pounds + 327 million dollars..
Establishing a power station that is one of the largest combined-cycle power stations in the world, at a cost of 2 billion euros + 2.078 billion pounds..
The establishment of the Ghayada Al Sharqiya power station in Beni Suef is a major leap in the field of electricity in Egypt, and it operates using combined cycle technology.h-class, and depends on natural gas to operate with a capacity of 4800 megawatts, at a cost of 2.05 billion euros + 43 million pounds.
The station was established with a voltage of 66 kV, with expansions to the existing stations to accommodate the added capacities from the new power generation stations, reduce the percentage of loss in the network, and support all regions of the republic, especially in Upper Egypt, at a cost of 37 million pounds..
Establishing a new gas production platform estimated at approximately 135 million cubic feet/day of gas + 3,300 barrels of oil and condensates/day by drilling 6 production wells, establishing a new platform, and establishing two 16-inch marine lines, each 3 km long, to connect to the platform, at a cost of $220 million..
Raising the efficiency of the Burullus power station with a diameter of 42 inches and a length of 50 km, serving the governorates of Damietta and Port Said, at a cost of 1 billion and 89 million pounds.
Establishing the new Assiut East Nile station with a voltage of 500/220/22 kV next to the industrial city in Assiut as part of the new national projects, in order to eliminate the problem of power outages in Assiut Governorate, especially the centers and villages of East Nile. At a cost of 104 million pounds + 0.19 million dollars + 31 million euros.
Establishing an organic fertilizer factory at Mohamed Naguib Military Base on an area of 20,000 m2 to produce 10,000 m3 of organic plant fertilizer (compost) per cycle.
The project consists of two phases, the first phase is a 42-inch line with a length of 34 km, and was completed in February 2015. The second phase is a 32-inch line with a length of 38 km, at a cost of 1.197 billion pounds..
Extending the gas pipeline to feed the North Giza power station with natural gas. The project was implemented in two phases. The first phase was a 42-inch line with a length of 34 km, and was completed in February 2015. The second phase was a 32-inch line with a length of 38 km, at a cost of 1 billion and 197 million pounds..