Investment Field

Investment in the Industrial Sector


Establishing Factories with the Latest Technology


Operating Factories with the Latest Management and Operation Methods


Import, Export and Commercial Agencies


Carbon Footprint


Production Control


Staff Qualification and Training


Establishing Factories with the Latest Technology


Operating Factories with the Latest Management and Operation Methods


Import, Export and Commercial Agencies


Carbon Footprint


Production Control


Staff Qualification and Training

First National Trust has over twenty-five years of experience in the European Union and the African Union.

Record of First National Trust projects in the industrial field in the Arab Republic of Egypt

Agreculture Portfolio


  • Key-Energy
  • With our innovative hydrogen solution, we enable industries with high gas consumption to significantly reduce operating costs. By integrating hydrogen into the energy mix, gas consumption is reduced by up to 25%, while also contributing to a more sustainable future..
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  • X-Wind
  • The company develops and builds innovative high-altitude wind energy that can make a crucial contribution to future energy supplies..


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  • Establishment of the marble and granite industrial complex in the "Gifgafa" area in central Sinai
  • October
  • The industrial complex is located on an area of 2 million square meters, forming a construction epic during which the construction works of the industrial zone were revealed to include a giant complex that includes a hangar for manufacturing on an area of 30 thousand square meters and a storage area for the final product, in addition to an integrated administrative system to provide the needs of the workers in the complex, and the unused areas are used to plant 150 acres of olive trees, at a cost of 804.56 million pounds..


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  • Establishment of the advanced Fayoum ginning plant
  • December
  • The ginning plant was established on an area of 10 acres, at a cost of 300 million pounds, and its production capacity is 5 tons of cotton lint/hour, i.e. 120 tons of cotton lint/day, equivalent to 2,400 quintals of lint/day..
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  • Establishing a factory for replicas of antiquities in Obour City
  • March
  • It is an ambitious and successful project, the construction of which began about a year and a half ago, and which came to keep pace with the requirements of the local and global market in the manufacture of archaeological models, as this is done at the highest level of distinguished technical expertise by Egyptian artists and specialists with high experience and efficiency..
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  • Opening of Dairy Production Complex No. 1 in Nubaria, Beheira Governorate
  • January
  • The complex operates with a capacity of 2,000 heads of dairy cows to produce milk, which is done with high health requirements and using global technology in breeding and production, and by mixing global and local breeds. The complex includes an advanced automated milking parlor, a unit for manufacturing and mixing feed, in addition to a veterinary clinic, a veterinary laboratory, a fuel station, and fire and extinguishing rooms..


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  • Establishing a seawater desalination plant in the city of Arish
  • October
  • Establishing a seawater desalination plant to operate with a capacity of 10,000 m3/day in Arish, consisting of (a sea intake with a length of 660 m and a capacity of 45,000 m3/day - 2 lines with a diameter of 710 mm - a well building - a sea intake well with a capacity of 45,000 m3/day - 9 water lifting groups with a capacity of 630 m3/hour - 10 sand filters with a diameter of 4.3 m - a desalination building that includes 7 desalination units with a capacity of 1,450 m3/day).
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  • Establishment of dyeing and printing factories in the industrial city of Al-Rubiki
  • July
  • The dyeing plant is 26,244 m² and includes 18 machines with a total production capacity of 40 thousand tons/day of woven fabrics and 10 tons/day of circular knitting. The printing plant is 5000 m³ and includes 3 machines with a total production capacity of 20 thousand meters/day. The design was made according to the latest technology in terms of preserving water resources and optimal utilization of chemical resources with German, Swiss and Italian equipment. It also includes a soda station to re-concentrate caustic soda for reuse. It also includes a unit to treat industrial wastewater with 5000 m³ of industrial wastewater for reuse in industry using a closed circuit system..
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  • Establishment of dyeing and printing factories in the industrial city of Al-Rubiki
  • July
  • The dyeing plant is 26,244 m² and includes 18 machines with a total production capacity of 40 thousand tons/day of woven fabrics and 10 tons/day of circular knitting. The printing plant is 5000 m³ and includes 3 machines with a total production capacity of 20 thousand meters/day. The design was made according to the latest technology in terms of preserving water resources and optimal utilization of chemical resources with German, Swiss and Italian equipment. It also includes a soda station to re-concentrate caustic soda for reuse. It also includes a unit to treat industrial wastewater with 5000 m³ of industrial wastewater for reuse in industry using a closed circuit system..
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  • Establishment of a rectangular textile factory in the industrial city of Al-Rubiki
  • July
  • The factory is built on an area of 11,236 m2. It is designed to produce woven fabrics with a width of 180 cm. It includes 100 Italian-made weaving machines. It operates with a production capacity of 30,000 linear meters per day. It is equipped with all technological equipment that ensures safe operating conditions inside the factory and quality control systems to ensure the final quality of the fabrics produced..
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  • Establishing a circular knitting factory in the industrial city of Al-Rubiki
  • July
  • The factory is designed on an area of 6000 m². It includes 35 different Italian-made machines. The number of workers is 51 workers working around the clock. The production capacity is 10 tons/day and the final product varies to include all types of fabrics and circular knitting used in the manufacture of ready-made clothes..
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  • Establishing a cheese production plant in Sohag and Assiut
  • May
  • To produce cheese in packages weighing (80-250) grams, and to offer it in the markets at lower prices, in the Arab Al-Awamer area in Assiut and the Al-Kawthar area in Sohag, at a financial cost of 135 million pounds, and a production capacity of 7200 tons/year..
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  • Establishment of the Hydrocracking Complex for Mazut at the Egyptian Refining Company"ERC" in Mostorod, Qalyubia Governorate
  • February
  • Establishing a hydrocracking complex for diesel fuel to convert it into high-quality distillates, at a cost of $4.3 billion. With a capacity of about 4.3 thousand tons/year to produce about 2.3 million tons/year (solar), 599 thousand tons/year of (jet fuel), 315 thousand tons/year of (mazut), 336 thousand tons/year of (light naphtha), 96 thousand tons/year of (sulfur), and 453 thousand tons/year of (coal) in order to reduce the import bill from abroad and meet most local needs and to maximize the volume of local production.


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  • Establishment of Damietta Furniture City
  • December
  • Damietta Furniture City is one of the major national projects and a starting point for small and medium enterprises, and the gateway for Damietta furniture to reach the world, especially since it is the first and largest industrial zone specialized in the manufacture of furniture and complementary industries in the Middle East to develop the furniture sector, and one of the promising industrial sectors in Egypt, as the Egyptian furniture product, especially Damietta with its high handcraft, enjoys a good global reputation, which leads to opening new areas for Damietta furniture exports at the local, regional and global levels, and the city is considered the kiss of life for the furniture industry for its transformation from a craft to an industry that depends on modern technology.
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  • Establishment of Rolling Mill 3 in Suez
  • November
  • The factory includes a billet heating furnace, a billet welding machine, 14 rolling mills, a fast rolling mill, a cooling bed, product transfer units, a water station, a power station, an administrative building and a laboratory.. The most advanced rolling mill system and the highest level of industrial safety that preserves the environment.
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  • Establishment of the gas factories complex in Abu Rawash, Giza
  • October
  • Establishing the Medical and Industrial Gases Factory No. 3, and the Hydrogen Peroxide Factory (50%), at the headquarters of the Nasr Company for Intermediate Chemicals in Abu Rawash, which contributes to covering the local market’s needs for medical oxygen needed for hospitals and medical centers and supporting many production projects as well as industrial uses in petroleum products companies, paper and textile industries, and a number of food and pharmaceutical industries. These projects were implemented in cooperation with many civil companies..
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  • Establishment of a medical and industrial gases factory in Abu Rawash, Giza
  • October
  • Establishing the Medical and Industrial Gases Factory No. 3, and the Hydrogen Peroxide Factory (50%), at the headquarters of the Nasr Company for Intermediate Chemicals in Abu Rawash, which contributes to covering the local market’s needs for medical oxygen needed for hospitals and medical centers and supporting many production projects as well as industrial uses in petroleum products companies, paper and textile industries, and a number of food and pharmaceutical industries. These projects were implemented in cooperation with many civil companies..


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  • Establishing a hydrogen peroxide plant in Abu Rawash, Giza
  • February
  • Establishing the Medical and Industrial Gases Factory No. 3, and the Hydrogen Peroxide Factory (50%), at the headquarters of the Nasr Company for Intermediate Chemicals in Abu Rawash, which contributes to covering the local market’s needs for medical oxygen needed for hospitals and medical centers and supporting many production projects as well as industrial uses in petroleum products companies, paper and textile industries, and a number of food and pharmaceutical industries. These projects were implemented in cooperation with many civil companies..

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