• Education and Training Sector

    Investment opportunities available in the field of training and education

Investment Areas

Education and Training


Professional Training and Learning


Direct Field Training and Qualification for Workers


International Professional Accreditation Documented Locally and Internationally


Employment and Job Creation


University Establishment


Instant Translation


Professional Training and Learning


Direct Field Training and Qualification for Workers


International Professional Accreditation Documented Locally and Internationally


Employment and Job Creation


University Establishment


Instant Translation

First University

  • First International University with its branches (Canada – USA) working on implementing a professional idea to prepare cadres professionalism is spent on unemployment and meeting the need of the Arab labor market for professional human elements who achieves development and making leaders.
  • New vision and distinctive in strategies and foundations of professional learning with professional standards and rules global knowledge management and The corporate vision of for the university globally to integrate between the fields of a paternal uncle the professional and various (industrial, commercial and educational, and agricultural) with rehabilitation and training methods learning to create a human element that achieves the desired development and generates financial resources for institutions it contributes greatly to achieving institutional success.

University Goal

  • Training a generation of young people capable of leadership in various professional fields, and possessing the skills that enable them to do so with the highest standards of quality and the experience necessary for continuous, purposeful success.
  • Achieving quality education by working to raise the efficiency of the elements of the educational process, from the teacher and the learner, and effective and distinguished communication with the guardian to achieve the role assigned to the education sector.
  •  Achieving quality training and vocational education in the Arab world = real development of human resources

University Philosophy

  • The idea of ​​the university was built on a philosophy stemming from the professional and educational reality in Egypt, the Arab world, and the regional and international environment, which is (professional specialization) stemming from:
  • These are the desired factors of professional proficiency that achieve success and that business owners look for in the human element. Thus, our student becomes possessed of the tools for his professional success, whether in obtaining a job or succeeding in his current job.
  • The university’s philosophy seeks to achieve many equations that solve work problems and the human element, including:
      • The characteristics and job description of each student, and then the direction of determining the appropriate meaning for him.
      • Providing mechanisms for changing career paths and developing the necessary skills for them.
      • Providing an interesting and effective study method that achieves its professional goal in a timely manner.
      • Providing job description templates, certificates and field experience.
      • Placing graduates in the most important databases of the entities requesting them and providing real job opportunities for the distinguished ones in prestigious entities.

    Our philosophy is clear in the integration of procedures and steps necessary for the professional success of the Arab human element.


First Academy

  • Create the toughest HR professional development equations in the world where we apply the finest quality standards for training and vocational learning In a manner and way that is consistent with the nature and reality Arab institutions and human elements and By applying standards away from complications and lengthy procedures This lies in the method and approach we follow that achieves quality. Outputs Through realistic and effective procedures on human elements.
        • The first Arab institution that combines the elements of human resource building Because it combines all his needs.
    In one entity, it is:
        • Appropriate selection and career orientation.
        • Training and learning Professional.
        • Field qualification Direct.
        • Professional accreditation International Notary Locally and internationally.
        • Employment and finding opportunities the job.
        • First Academy Give full confidence to its customers because it is derived from:-
        • Her confidence in experienced and conscious leadership and management.
        • Her confidence in the professionalism, specialization and experience of the team in the job.
        • Its confidence in its antiquity and regional and international weight.
        • Its confidence in the accreditations and references granted to its clients.

Academy objectives:

  • numbersYoung Professional Leaders.
  • Providing a professional learning environment for young people.
  • Building bridges of communication between the professional human element and the labor market.
  • Developing professional accreditation solutions that provide sufficient qualifications for the qualified human element to support his job position.
  • To become a leading academy that Arab institutions seek to obtain its graduates.

Our message:

  • Developing a vocational learning system that provides the skills needed for the labor market.
  • Providing specializations with a professional character, not just academic ones, is one of the most important professions required by the labor market..
  • Providing field training methods that achieve actual experience for students.
  • Providing professional titles and accreditation that suit the specializations and support their job position.
  • Approval of scientific curricula and materials for specializations.
  • Create a large knowledge library to support the students.


  • School services and quality of education.
  • Training and training quality.
  • Tourism and hotels.
  • Management SciencesAnd training services for companies.
  • humanities and the development Personal.
  • Marketing and sales.
  • Business Administration.
  • Project management.
  • Human resources management.
  • LanguagesAnd translation.
  • Petroleum services.
  • Accounting and banking sector.
  • Nursing and hospital management.
  • The technology (Programming and computer).
  • Human development for children and a consulting center to solve all children’s problems and family guidance.

Make the human element a treasure that creates development, not A burden on the labor market

Make the human element a treasure that creates development, not A burden on the labor market

First National Trust has over twenty-five years of experience in the European Union and the African Union.

A record of First National Trust's projects in the field of training and education in the Arab Republic of Egypt

Agreculture Portfolio


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  • Construction of new applied technology schools
  • August
  • Construction of new applied technology schools for the 2024 academic year, and the start of receiving students who have obtained the preparatory certificate to join the applied technology schools.


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  • Assiut University Faculty of Dentistry Hospital
  • December
  • The hospital was built on an area of 6,100 m² and includes the following:: - 260 dental chairs (8 clinics). - 12 dental x-ray rooms. - 2 fully equipped operating rooms. - 4 student lecture halls with a capacity of at least 250 students. - 2 postgraduate lecture halls for at least 70 students. - 10 student laboratories for different departments. - 7 specialized laboratories. - 3 research laboratories for postgraduate studies and research.


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  • Establishment of King Salman University, Al-Tur branch
  • October
  • King Salman University is one of the important projects within the national project for the development of the Sinai Peninsula, which is a high priority for the state. The opening of the university comes within the strategic plan to advance university education throughout the republic..
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  • Opening of King Salman University, Al-Tur branch
  • October
  • King Salman University is one of the important projects within the national project for the development of the Sinai Peninsula, which is a high priority for the state. The opening of the university comes within the strategic plan to advance university education at the level of the Republic, and to prepare young students and refine them scientifically and academically in a manner that keeps pace with the modern and contemporary requirements of the field of work.
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  • Establishing the Canadian University in the New Administrative Capital
  • September
  • The Canadian University is one of the first universities established in the New Administrative Capital to offer its programs in the Sustainable Energy Engineering branch, which is considered one of the most recent engineering specializations in the world and which keeps pace with the ambitious plan of Egypt and the Arab region in industrial and construction design engineering.


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  • Egyptian Japanese University of Science and Technology, Borg El Arab
  • September
  • The Egyptian Japanese University of Science and Technology is a private Egyptian public research university, fully owned by the Egyptian government. The campus area is 200 acres, and the buildings account for 17% of the total area. The design was based on providing an infrastructure at an advanced technical level, keeping pace with the latest technology available globally, and environmentally friendly with smart electronic management..
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  • Partial development at Alexandria University
  • August
  • Developing the Career and Professional Development Center at the Faculty of Education, Alexandria University. It is the third center at Alexandria University, as the university includes two other centers for career and professional development at the Faculties of Commerce and Engineering. It accommodates 500 students.. Equipped with the latest educational tools, including sound systems, ventilation, appropriate and modern lighting, and an interactive screen to keep pace with modern teaching methods.. It is used to hold conferences, discuss scientific theses, and hold meetings and theatrical performances for students.


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  • Establishing and developing 55 schools at various educational levels in Ismailia Governorate
  • December
  • Establishing, upgrading and developing 55 schools, including 868 classrooms, with a capacity of up to 34,720 thousand male and female students, representing all different educational stages. The work of establishing and developing schools comes within the framework of the state’s efforts to advance the educational process, to eliminate student density in classrooms and schools, and to provide a suitable educational environment for students.
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  • Establishing an IT Academy for People with Special Needs
  • July
  • Establishing the Academy to develop assistive technologies and create an inclusive environment that provides training opportunities for people with special needs, while activating twinning and partnerships with international entities specialized in this field..
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  • Luxor University Development
  • July
  • In search of innovation in education, scientific research, community service and sustainable community development at the local and international levels, the total cost of the development process is 250 million pounds. The university includes: Faculty of Fine Arts - Faculty of Tourism and Hotels - Faculty of Computers and Information - Faculty of Languages - Faculty of Archaeology - Faculty of Medicine.
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  • Establishment of the Technological University in Qawisna
  • June
  • It is the first step towards correcting the course of technical education, as the new specializations that have been added to technological universities will all aim to serve and develop Egyptian society in various fields, in addition to providing graduates with various specializations that qualify them to work locally and internationally.
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  • Establishment of the Technological University in Beni Suef
  • June
  • To raise the capabilities of graduates in line with the requirements of the local and international labor market, create new programs and specializations required by the labor market, provide distinguished technological education through high-quality scientific and practical programs in university education, and qualify graduates with a distinguished level of knowledge and technological creativity.
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  • Establishment of the Sand Basin Culture Palace in Luxor
  • March
  • Its total area is about 859 square meters, at a total cost of 22 million pounds. It consists of two floors.: The first floor includes the reception, a public library, an IT hall, in addition to administrative rooms, actors’ rooms, the main theater with an area of 180 square meters and a capacity of 125 seats, and a stage with an area of 60 square meters. The second floor includes halls for environmental crafts, plastic arts, a studio, children’s activities, in addition to projection rooms, an information technology club, and a store.


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  • Egyptian Japanese School in Qawisna
  • September
  • The school area is 14923.69 m2, and consists of 22 classrooms and one main building that includes classrooms, educational spaces, study laboratories, administrative buildings and the library.
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  • Egyptian Japanese School in 10th of Ramadan 2
  • September
  • The school area is 9152.32 m2, consisting of 22 classrooms and one main building that includes classrooms, educational spaces, study laboratories, administrative buildings and the library..
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  • Egyptian Japanese School in Shebin El Kom
  • September
  • The school area is 5531.68 m2, consisting of 11 classrooms and one main building that includes classrooms, educational spaces, study laboratories, administrative buildings and the library..
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  • New Valley University Development
  • April
  • Expanding the provision of higher education and employment opportunities for the people of the New Valley Governorate and developing this region through the colleges that the university includes, which numbered 6 colleges at the time of establishment in the fields of arts, sciences, education, agriculture, veterinary medicine and physical education, which allows for the provision of more educational and employment opportunities and the development of the surrounding area in the New Valley Governorate.
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  • Suez University Development
  • January
  • To serve 724 thousand students, the administration building, research centers, and the College of Petroleum and Mining Engineering, which includes the specializations of (petroleum refining, mining, metallurgy and minerals), were developed in line with the upcoming investments in the Suez Canal axis and training students in the field of petrochemicals..
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  • Suez University Development
  • January
  • It serves 724 thousand students. The administration building, research centers, and the College of Petroleum and Mining Engineering, which includes the specializations of (petroleum refining, mining, metallurgy and minerals), have been developed in line with the upcoming investments in the Suez Canal axis and training students in the field of petrochemicals..

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