• Agricultural investment and land reclamation

    For more information about activities in the field of land reclamation

Investment fields

Agricultural investment and land reclamation


Preparing Work Plans, Operating, Implementing And Managing Agricultural Reclamation Projects


Reclaiming And Equipping Lands With Basic Facilities And Irrigation Using The Latest Methods


Livestock, Poultry And Fish Production


Promoting And Marketing The Region's Lands To Attract Capital


Providing Research, Consulting And Preparing Feasibility Studies


Import, Export And Commercial Agencies


Preparing Work Plans, Operating, Implementing And Managing Agricultural Reclamation Projects


Reclaiming And Equipping Lands With Basic Facilities And Irrigation Using The Latest Methods


Livestock, Poultry And Fish Production


Promoting And Marketing The Region's Lands To Attract Capital


Providing Research, Consulting And Preparing Feasibility Studies


Import, Export And Commercial Agencies

First National Trust has more than twenty-five years of experience in the European Union and the African Union

A record of First National Trust projects in the agricultural field in the Arab Republic of Egypt

Agreculture Portfolio



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  • New Delta Project
  • May
  • The New Delta region is being established on an area of 2.2 million acres to be reclaimed in successive phases. The project includes (industrial-agricultural complexes) such as packaging and processing stations for agricultural products, in addition to animal production and the processing of dairy products..



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  • Al-Fayrouz Fish Farming Project, East of the Branch, Port Said Governorate
  • January
  • The project is located on an area of approximately 204 acres along the sea coast, facing 14.2 km west of Port Said city, with a depth of up to 600 meters in the Diba area. It is a fish farming basin dedicated to shrimp farming with a production capacity of 250 tons annually, 4 feed warehouses with a storage capacity of 100 tons, and a sorting and packaging hall with a production capacity of 5 tons of fish per day..
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  • Al-Fayrouz Fish Farming Project, East of the Branch, Port Said Governorate
  • January
  • The project is built on an area of approximately 26 thousand acres, facing 17 km along the sea coast and 10 km deep east of Port Said. It consists of fish farms with a total of 5908 fish farming ponds, the pond area is 1.75 acres, with a production capacity of more than 13 thousand tons of fish and shrimp annually..


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  • Establishing 5 animal production farms in different governorates
  • January
  • Five livestock farms were opened in the governorates of Gharbia, Beni Suef, Damietta and Gharbia, containing 2,200 heads of cattle, a farm in Beni Suef Governorate containing 1,000 heads of cattle, and another farm in Damietta Governorate containing 800 heads of cattle..
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  • Establishing 13 agricultural clusters in North and South Sinai Governorates
  • January
  • Establishing the necessary infrastructure to cultivate an area of (5510) acres, to add new agricultural areas, land leveling works, main irrigation network works, and supplying and installing greenhouses for 13 groups, which are (K 61 Baghdad - Al-Khafja Nakhl - Khashm/Al-Kharm - Al-Nawafah/Al-Maghfir - Al-Dafidif/Al-Hasna - Taybat Al-Tad - Tawil Al-Hamd - Umm Mafroth - Al-Nathila 1/Nakhl - Al-Nathila 2/Nakhl - Abu Rasas/Nakhl - Al-Suhaimi/Ras Sudr - Al-Hamma/Ras Sudr) at a total cost of 1.706 billion pounds..
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  • Development works for water stations and the agricultural system in North and South Sinai Governorates
  • January
  • Establishing the necessary infrastructure to cultivate an area of 5,510 acres, adding new agricultural areas, providing 3,000 direct job opportunities in addition to 15,000 indirect job opportunities, drilling about 165 groundwater wells in addition to electricity generators to extract groundwater.. Implementation of 13 main water lines, implementation of main and sub-irrigation networks in each agricultural cluster. At a cost of 2.5 billion pounds.


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  • Raising the efficiency of the Surjan Canal in Damietta
  • December
  • Improving the efficiency of the Surjan Canal, with a length of 750 meters and a width of 25 meters, and refining and tamping its sides by building a 240-meter-long tamping wall, ensuring the continuity of water renewal and maintaining its salinity, in addition to basic, service and administrative construction works for about 292 plots within 139 acres of investment land..
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  • Lahun Farm for Protected Agriculture in Fayoum
  • August
  • Preparing a land area of 13 thousand acres in the Lahun area in Fayoum, containing 2000 medium-technology agricultural houses, with an area of 2.5 acres per house, with a sorting capacity of 800 tons/day, and a refrigerated storage capacity of 1800 tons..