Chairman's Word Dr. Walid Asar

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single mile, and in order to develop our present, a clear vision of our future is must.

First National Trust, whose name has become a star in the investment sky around the world, stems from the company’s business through its fields in the late nineties of the last century. Especially on the continuous investment in human capital, which it considers the basis for the impressive achievements witnessed in the company’s history and the basis for success in the future. It is not a characteristic of First to stop at the achievements of the past, but the company is always working on developing its business as well as keeping pace with modern technology, through a distinguished team that supports it the best international experts in a rapidly developing international market.

And we seek, through our activities, to reach real development that rises to the level of aspirations and desired goals to keep pace with the labor market and link this to permanent professional development programs. First is also characterized by great care in selecting the elements of the work team and inclusion of the unique international and local fields in accordance with the Charter of Professional Excellence, upholding professional values and continuous pursuit Towards industry and investment leadership in the world and this renewed commitment contributed to the consolidation of First’s position on the regional and international arena.
The company’s vision has already been achieved on the ground, as these skilled cadres have become a reason for the company’s supremacy at the local and international levels, and everyone within this ancient entity believes that the stages of growth that the company has made during the past decades and the main guarantor of leadership in the future lies in upholding the value of teamwork and integrity. And full efficiency in performing the various functions.